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Humi-Go is a simple, safe, and effective solution for tackling dampness and excess humidity in your home. While we don’t test for mildew levels, we provide a no-fuss product that works effortlessly. It’s as easy as opening a lid and letting Humi-Go do the rest!


Step by Step Guide 


Set It Up

  1. Open the lid of your Humi-Go tub to reveal its moisture-absorbing contents.​​

  2. Place the tub carefully in the desired location, such as the back of a cupboard, a damp corner, or anywhere excess humidity is an issue. Then forget about it for a couple of weeks!


Check the Results

  1. After a few weeks, you’ll notice that the contents have hardened. This means Humi-Go is working perfectly, absorbing excess moisture from the air or accidental spills (like on carpets).

  2. The brown residue? That’s just dust and impurities from the air that Humi-Go has captured.


Dispose of Excess Water

  1. Every 3–4 weeks, pour off the water collected in the tub, being careful not to spill.

  2. Place the tub back in its spot, ensuring it’s in a stable position where it won’t get knocked over.


 Long-Lasting Protectionsults

  1. ​As long as the white, hardened material (desiccant) is still in the tub, Humi-Go will continue absorbing moisture.
    Depending on the level of dampness in your environment, each tub lasts between 3 to 6 months.

The most effective, best way to control cockroaches and fishmoths EVER

1. On the market in South Africa for over 30 YEARS.   
2. Effective for a MINIMUM of 18 months
3. The easiest, simplest D.I.Y. solution
4. No need to unpack cupboards
5. No harmful chemical sprays
6. Just PEEL and STICK!
7.  SAFE to use in grocery cupboards, linen and clothes cupboards 
8.  Absolutely NO NASTY SMELL!

KO Pads 26Nov24.jpg

Go to our ORDER page to purchase.   Postage costs are the same as for HUMI-GOWhat's the best part?   They go out to die, no twitching bodies lying around in your house.  Because the pads are effective for a minimum of 18 months, ZipLoc the left over pads when you're done

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JUST A little NIBBLE on the pads and they head back out to where they came from.   Because Keel Over disrupts the breeding cycle, you won't see another cockroach or fishmoth for at least 18 months. 
What's the best part?   They go out to die, no twitching bodies lying around in your house.  Because the pads are effective for a minimum of 18 months, ZipLoc the left over pads when you're done.

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